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The ProcessBolt Platform


ProcessBolt AI

AI-assisted vendor risk management, and real-time threat monitoring platform. 



Attack surface management and security rating solution.



Document intelligence and analytics.


Share Center

Secure and timebound document sharing for the enterprise.


Assessment & RFP Response Solution

Answer questionnaires using Knowledge Base and documents with AI assistance.

US Cybersecurity Magazine: A Supply Chain Cybersecurity Maturity Model for 2021

The SolarWinds Sunburst hack made it painfully clear that supply chain cybersecurity threats are extremely dangerous. Perhaps the most alarming fact is that SolarWinds’ stock price dropped 40% in seven days after the breach became public. The price drop was not so much about SolarWinds being hacked. It reflected the anticipated damage to customer relationships and long-term company value.

Learn more in this article written by Mike Kelly, CEO of ProcessBolt, and Dan Gardner, COO and co-founder of ProcessBolt, and featured in Cybersecurity Magazine.

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